
Front row left to right (Tucker Hull, Olivia Hughes, Shilpa Lal). Back row left to right (Kimball Millikan, Paula Moehlenkamp, Christina Comfort, Margaret McManus, Katharine Smith, Gordon Walker). Not pictured: Jon Whitney, Shaun Wriston.

Front row left to right (Tucker Hull, Olivia Hughes, Shilpa Lal). Back row left to right (Kimball Millikan, Paula Moehlenkamp, Christina Comfort, Margaret McManus, Katharine Smith, Gordon Walker). Not pictured: Jon Whitney, Shaun Wriston.

Based at the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, the CPhOAME Research Group studies links between coastal oceanography and the dynamics of marine ecosystems. Our research is interdisciplinary and consists of fieldwork, modeling, and quantitative analysis.

Here you will find links to our current research, past endeavors and contact information. 

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