Principal Investigator


Margaret McManus

Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Oceanography

Director of the Uehiro Center for the Advancement of Oceanography

Chairwoman of the Department of Oceanography

Research Interests: Coastal oceanography, biological-physical coupling

Teaching: Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Oceans (OCN 680/480), Communication of Research Results (OCN 490)

Oceanographic Technicians

Shaun Wriston

Lead Oceanographic Technician

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Near Shore Sensor Group


Peter Felicijan

Oceanographic Technician

Research Focus: Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Near Shore Sensor Group



Christina Comfort

PhD in Oceanography

Research Focus: Coastal Ocean Pathogens

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Paula Moehlenkamp

PhD in Oceanography

Research Focus: Resilience and Climate Adaptation in the Pacific

Undergraduate Students

Trey Summers

Research Focus: Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Near Shore Sensor Group




Gordon Walker


Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Near Shore Sensor Group


Dan Schar


Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC)

Clarisse Sullivan


Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Near Shore Sensor Group

Ross Timmerman


Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Near Shore Sensor Group

Olivia Hughes

Wave Buoy Specialist

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Wave Buoy Group

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Andreia Queima

Ocean Engineer

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Wave Buoy Group

Travis Vick

Wave Buoy Specialist

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Wave Buoy Group


Kimball Millikan

Senior Engineer

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)

Wave Buoy Group


Former Students


Silvana Batista Penninck

Visiting PhD student 2019-2020 University of Hawaii at Manoa

PhD student Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo

Manuscript written while at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Physical-biological coupling in the coastal zone of Ubatuba, Brazil: mechanisms of thin layer formation


Carleigh Vollbrecht

Research Focus: Coupled Physical-Biological Processes in Rangiroa Atoll French Polynesia

Physical Oceanography Division


Shilpa Lal

M.S. in Oceanography

Graduated: 2019, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Thesis: Contribution of Life History Characteristics to Larval Settlement and Connectivity of Acanthurus triostegus in Windward O'ahu


Conor Jerolmon

M.S. in Oceanography

Graduated: 2016, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Thesis: A physical-biological model of Oahu’s windward coastal waters: Implications for larval transport.

At Present: Cable group, Makai Engineering, Honolulu Hawaii


Jamie Gove

Ph.D. in Oceanography

Graduated: 2013, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Thesis: Biological-Physical Interactions in Pacific Coral Reef Ecosystems.

At Present: Oceanographer, NOAA, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center


Amanda Timmerman

M.S. in Oceanography

Graduated: 2012, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Thesis: Hidden layers of toxic phytoplankton: A signal of the changing environment?

At Present: Ph.D. Candidate in Oceanography, University of Victoria


Olivia Cheriton

Ph.D. in Ocean Sciences

Graduated: 2008, University of California

Dissertation: Physical Processes Influencing the Formation and Persistence of Thin Plankton Layers in the Coastal Ocean.

At Present: Oceanographer. USGS. Santa Cruz, California


Jeff Sevadjian

M.S. in Oceanography

Graduated: 2008, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Thesis: Physical Structure and Thin Zooplankton Layers in Mamala Bay, Hawaii.

At Present: Oceanographer at Scripps Institute of Oceanography


Christopher Ostrander

M.S. in Oceanography

Graduated: 2007, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Thesis: Circulation in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

At Present: Executive Director Marine Technology Society


Anna Pfeiffer-Hoyt (now Pfeiffer-Herbert)

M.S. in Ocean Science

Graduated: 2005, University of California, Santa Cruz

Thesis: Coupled Biological-Physical Modeling.

At Present: Assistant Professor, Stockton University


Mr. Peter Felicijan (BS 2024). Thesis Title: “The effects of environmental forcing on the water quality in Keʻehi Lagoon Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi.”

Ms. Olivia Hughes (BS 2021). Thesis Title: “Coastal wave patterns of the Hawaiian Islands in relation to significant climate events”.

Ms. Mariam Moreno (BS 2021). Thesis Title: “Environmental influences on vertical picoplankton distributions in Mamala Bay, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi”.

Mr. Shaun Wriston (BS 2020). Thesis Title: “Trends in coastal ocean conditions on Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi’s urban shores”.

Ms. Camilla Tognacchini (BS 2015). Thesis Title: “The effects of man-made and climatic changes on a tropical coastal system: A comparative study.” 

Mr. Brandon D’Andrea (BS 2015). Thesis Title: “Water exchange and circulation in He’eia fishpond: Building blocks for establishing a water budget.”

Mr. Daniel McCoy (BS 2011). Thesis Title: “Improving sample collection and time series analyses of environmental data in He’eia fishpond Oahu Hawaii 2007-2011.”

Ms. Lindsey Benjamin (BS 2010). Thesis Title: “Characterization of the physical environment in He’eia Fishpond, Oahu, Hawaii.”

Ms. Amanda Vinson (BS 2010). Thesis Title: “The effects of physical oceanographic structure and processes on biological patchiness in the coastal ocean.”

Ms. Shandy Buckley (BS 2009). Thesis Title: “Biological and physical comparison of cyclonic eddies in an open sea region and in a coastal channel.”

Mr. Kyle Bosworth (BS 2008). Thesis Title: “Temporal and spatial analysis of storm induced freshwater plumes in southern Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.” 


Mr. Daren Marten (BS 2017). Thesis Title: “Instrumentation in Coastal Hawaiian Waters.”


Dr. Johnathan Whitney - Marine Ecologist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Dr. Katharine Smith - Instructor, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Oceanography

Dr. Olivia Marie Cheriton - Oceanographer, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center USGS

Dr. Dan Hoover - Oceanographer, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center USGS

Dr. Maxime Grand - Assistant Professor Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

Dr. Shaun Johnson - Oceanographer - Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Dr. Curt Storlazzi - Oceanographer, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center USGS

Dr. C Brock Woodson - Associate Professor, University of Georgia


Mr. Charles McManus. Mid Pacific Institute (2018). Presently Temple University

Ms. Clarissa Honeker. Mid Pacific Institute (2017). Presently Humbolt State University

Mr. Thomas Steward. Mid Pacific Institute (2023)