Students, postdoctoral researchers and McManus Lab members are underlined


Wriston S, P Moehlenkamp, G Walker, V Park, MM Iwamoto, AB Neuheimer, MA McManus. In Preparation. Trends in Coastal Ocean Conditions on Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi’s Urban Shores. Oceanography.


Summers T, S Wriston, MA McManus. Submitted. Tsunami induced oscillations along the south shore of O'ahu, Hawai'i. Oceanography.

Photo Credit: Paula Moehlenkamp

Photo Credit: Paula Moehlenkamp


Comfort CC Ostrander, C Nelson, D Karl, MA McManus. 2024. A 7-yr spatial time series resolves the island mass effect and associated shifts in picocyanobacteria abundances near O’ahu, Hawai’i. Limnology & Oceanography. 1–16. doi: 10.1002/lno.12711

Moehlenkamp P, E Franklin and MA McManus. 2024. Nuʻupia Ponds' Water Circulation Characteristics: Exploring Water Exchange and Residence Time for Marine Ecosystem Management. Journal of Sustainability. 16, 7159.

Bullington JA, AR Golder, GF Steward, MA McManus, AB Neuheimer, BT Glazer, OD Nigro, CE Nelson. 2022. Refining real-time predictions of Vibrio vulnificus concentrations in a tropical urban estuary by incorporating dissolved organic matter dynamics. Science of the Total Environment 829 (2022) 154075.

Counsell CWW, RR Coleman, SS Lal, BW Bowen, EC Franklin, AB Neuheimer, BS Powell, RJ Toonen, MJ Donahue, MA Hixon, MA McManus. 2022. Opening the black box: interdisciplinary analysis of larval dispersal of a coral reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 684: 117–132. (Donahue, Hixon and McManus are senior authors)

Hixon M, B Bowen, R Coleman, C Counsell, M Donahue, E Franklin, J Kittinger, MA McManus, R Toonen. 2022. Fish Flow: Following Fisheries from Spawning to Supper. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 20(4): 247–254, doi:10.1002/fee.2449

Yanagihara AA, MA McManus, JC Sevadjian, GO Walker, CL Wilcox, K Hurwitz, A Lee, R Kadler, BS Powell, K Thompson. 2022. Alatina alata (box jellyfish) migration triggers in Hawaii: Lunar and physical oceanographic processes. Regional Studies in Marine Science.

Dierssen HM, S Ackleson, K Joyce, E Hestir, A Castagna, S Lavender, MA McManus. 2021. Living up to the Hype of Hyperspectral Aquatic Remote Sensing: Science, Resources and Outlook. Frontiers. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.649528

McManus MA, AT Greer, AVH Timmerman, JC Sevadjian, CB Woodson, T Cowen, DA Fong, S Monismith, OM Cheriton. 2021. Characterization of the biological, physical and chemical properties of a toxic thin layer in a temperate marine system. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 678:17-35.

Penninck SB, RM Lopes, JF Lima, MA McManus. 2021. Thin layers in the coastal zone of Ubatuba, Brazil: Mechanisms of formation and dissipation. Limnology and Oceanography. 9999, 1–17. doi: 10.1002/lno.11623

Smith KA, JL Whitney, MA McManus, J Lecky, A Copeland, DR Kobayahi, JM Gove. 2021. Physical mechanisms driving biological accumulation in surface lines on coastal Hawaiian waters. Continental Shelf Research. 2021.

Vollbrecht CP MoehlenkampJM Gove, AB Neuheimer and MA McManus2021. Long-Term Presence of the Island Mass Effect at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:595294. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.595294

Whitney JJM GoveMA McManusKA Smith, J Lecky, P Neubauer, JE Phipps, EA Contrearas, DR Kobayashi, GP Asner. 2021. Surface slicks are pelagic nurseries for diverse ocean species. Scientific Reports. (2021) 11:3197.

Wriston S, G Walker, MA McManus, S Ellis, F Langenberger, M Iwamoto. 2021. PacIOOS Water Quality Sensor Partnership Program. Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper, S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds, A Supplement to Oceanography 34(4): 66–67

Winter KB, Y Rii, F Reppun, K Hintzen, RA Alegado, BW Bowen, LL Bremer, M Coffman, JL Deenik, MJ Donahue, KA Falinksi, KL Frank, EC Franklin, N Kurashima, NK Lincoln, E Madin, MA McManus, C Nelson, R Okano, A Olegario, K Oleson, P Pascua, MR Price, MAJ Rivera, K Rodgers, C Sabine, CM Smith, T Ticktin, A Hewitt, R Kaluhiwa, M Cypher, JA Leong, B Thomas, K Kekuewa, K Kukea-Shultz, H Kawelo, K Kotubetey, B Neilson, J Tonimoto, T Lee, RJ Toonen. 2020. Collaborative research to inform adaptive co-management: A framework for the Heʻeia National Estuarine Research Reserve. Ecology and Society.

Winter KB, N Kekuewa Lincoln, F Berkes, RA Alegado, N Kurashima, KL Frank, P Pascua, YM Rii, F Reppun, ISS Knapp, WC McClatchey, T Ticktin, C Smith, EC Franklin, K Oleson, MR Price, MA McManus, MJ Donahue, KS Rodgers, BW Bowen, CE Nelson, B Thomas, J-A Leong, EMP Madin, MJ Rivera, KA Falinski, LL Bremer, JL Deenik, SM Gon III, B Neilson, R Okano, A Olegario, B Nyberg, A Kawelo, K Kotubetey, J Kukea-Shultz and RJ Toonen. 2020. Ecomimicry in Indigenous resource management: optimizing ecosystem services to achieve resource abundance, with examples from Hawaiʻi. Ecology and Society 25 (2):26. 

Bailey K, C Steinberg, C Davies, G Gailbert, M Hidas, MA McManus, T Murphy, J Newton, M Roughan, A Schaeffer. 2019. Coastal Mooring Observing Networks and their Data Products: Recommendations for the Next Decade. Front. Mar. Sci., 05 April 2019 |

Comfort CG WalkerMA McManus, A Fujimura, CE Ostrander and T Donaldson. 2019. Physical dynamics at the ocean-estuary interface: an oceanographic study of Pago Bay, Guam. Regional Studies in Marine Science. Vol 31.

Gove JMJL WhitneyMA McManus, J Lecky, F Carvalho, JM Lynch, J Li, P Neubauer, K Smith, JE Phipps, DR Kobayashi, KB Balagso, EA Contreras, ME Manuel, MA Merrifield, JJ Polovina, GP Asner, JA Maynard, GJ Williams. 2019. Prey-sized plastics are invading larval fish nurseries. PNAS.

Menge BA, K Milligan, JE Caselle, JA Barth, CA Blanchette, MH Carr, F Chan, RK Cowen, M Denny, SD Gaines, GE Hofmann, KJ Kroeker, J Lubchenco, MA McManus, M Novak, SR Palumbi, PT Raimondi, GN Somero, RR Warner, L Washburn, and JW White. 2019. PISCO: Advances made through the formation of a large-scale, long-term consortium for integrated understanding of coastal ecosystem dynamics. Oceanography 32(3): 16–25,

Menge B, K Milligan, JE Casselle, JA Barth, F Chan, S Gravem, J Lubchenco, M Novak, JW White, CA Blanchette, L Washburn, M Carr, P Raimondi, MA McManus, TC Gouhier. 2019. Integrating Coastal Oceanic and Benthic Ecological Approaches for Understanding Large-scale Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics. Oceanography 32(3): 38–49,

Menge B, JE Caselle, JA Barth, F Chan, S Gravem, J Lubchenco, K Milligan, M Novak, JW White, CA Blanchette, L Washburn, M Carr, P Raimondi, MA McManus, TC Gouhier. 2019. Community Responses to Climate-Related Variability and Disease: The Critical Importance of Long-term Research. Oceanography 32(3): 72–81,

Moehlenkamp PCK BeebeMA McManus, AH Kawelo, K Kotubetey, RA Alegado. 2019. Ku Hou Kuapa: Cultural restoration improves water budget and water quality dynamics in He’eia Fishpond. Journal of Sustainability: Special Issue “New Approaches to Fisheries and Aquaculture Sustainability”. 11, 161; doi:10.3390/su11010161.

Research being conducted by UH graduate students at Heʻeia Fishpond in Kāneʻohe. Photo Credit: Paula Moehlenkamp

Research being conducted by UH graduate students at Heʻeia Fishpond in Kāneʻohe. Photo Credit: Paula Moehlenkamp

Photo Credit: Paula Moehlenkamp

Photo Credit: Paula Moehlenkamp

Comfort CK SmithMA McManus, A Neuheimer, J Sevadjian, C Ostrander. 2017. Observations of the Hawiian mesoplagic boundary layer community in daytime and nighttime habitats using estimated backscatter. AIMS Geoscience, Special Issue: Coastal Dynamics Research. 3(3): 304-326. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2017.3.304

McCoy D, RA Alegado, MA McManus, K Kotubetey, AH Kawelo, C Young, B D’Andrea, KC Ruttenberg. 2017. Large scale climactic effects on a traditional Hawaiian fishpond. PLOS ONE. 12(11): e0187951.

Gove JMMA McManus, AB Neuheimer, JJ Polovina, JC Drazen, CR Smith, MA Merrifield, AM Freidlander, JS Ehses, C Young, AK Dillon, GJ Williams. 2016. Ocean Oases: near-island biological hotspots in barren ocean basins. Nature Communications. 7:10581 doi: 10.1038/ncomms1058

Kroeker KJ, E Sanford, JM Rose, CA Blanchette, F Chan, FP Chavez, GF Dilly, B Gaylord, B Helmuth, TM Hill, GE Hofmann, KM Laughlin, MA McManus, BA Menge, KJ Neilsen, PT Raimondi, AD Russell, L Washburn. 2016. Overlapping environmental mosaics drive geographic variation in mussel performance and species interactions. Ecology Letters. doi: 10.1111/ele.12613

Teneva LT, MA McManus, C Jerolmon, AB Neuheimer, G Walker, K Kahoohalahala, E ShimabukuroC Ostrander, JN Kittinger. 2016. Sedimentation, biophysical forcing, and habitat degradation in a coastal reef flat. Collabra. 2(1): 1, pp. 1-12 DOI 

Comfort CMMA McManusSK Clark, DM Karl, CE Ostrander. 2015. Environmental properties of coastal waters in Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii at the future site of a seawater air conditioning outfall. Oceanography. 28(2): 230-239

Gove JMGJ WilliamsMA McManus, JS Clark, JS Ehses. 2015. Coral reef benthic regimes exhibit non-linear threshold responses to natural physical drivers. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 522: 33-48.

Benoit-Bird KJ and MA McManus. 2014. A critical time window for organismal interactions in a pelagic ecosystem. PlosONE. Vol 9(5): 1-14.

Berdalet E, MA McManus, ON Ross, H Buchard, F Chavez, JS Jaffe, I Jenkinson, R Kudela, I Lips, A Lucas, D Rivas, MC Ruiz de la Torre, J Ryan, H Yamazaki. 2014. Understanding harmful algae in stratified systems: Review of progress and identification of gaps in knowledge. Deep Sea Research II. Special Issue: Harmful Algal Blooms in Stratified Systems. 101:4-20.

Fiedler JWMA McManus, MS Tomlinson, EH DeCarlo, ER Pawlak, GF Steward, OD Nigro, RE Timmerman, TS Drupp, JR Wells and CE Ostrander. 2014. Real-time observations of the February 2010 Chile and March 2011 Japan Tsunamis in Honolulu, Hawaii as recorded by the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System. Oceanography. 27(2): 16-30.

Hofmann GE, TG Evans, MW Kelly, JL Padilla-Gamino, CA Blanchette, L Washburn, F Chan, MA McManus, BA Menge, B Gaylord, TM Hill, E Sanford, M LaVigne, J Rose L Kapsenberg and JM Dutton. 2014. Exploring local adaptation and the ocean acidification seascape - studies in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Biogeosciences. Special Issue: The ocean in a high-CO2 world III. 11, 1053-1064.

Raine R, E Berdalet, MA McManus, H Yamazaki. 2014. Harmful algal blooms in stratified systems. Deep Sea Research II. Special Issue: Harmful Alglal Blooms in Stratified Systems.101:1-3

Photo Credit: Paula Moehlenkamp

Photo Credit: Paula Moehlenkamp

Ryan, JP, MA McManus, RM Kudela, M Lara Artigas, JG Bellingham, FP Chavez, G Doucette, D Foley, M Godin, JBJ Harvey, R Marin III, M Messie, C Mikulski, T Pennington, F Py, K Rajan, I Shulman, Z Wang and Y Zhang. 2014. Boundary influences on HAB phytoplankton ecology in a stratification-enhanced upwelling shadow. Deep Sea Research II. Special Issue: Harmful Alglal Blooms in Stratified Systems.(Eds). 101:63-79. 

Sevadjian JCMA McManus, JP Ryan, AT Greer, RK Cowen and CB Woodson. 2014. Across-shore variability in plankton layering and abundance on the northern Monterey Bay inner shelf. Continental Shelf Research. 72:138-151

Timmerman AVHMA McManusOM Cheriton, RK Cowen, AT Greer, RM Kudela, KC Ruttenburg and JC Sevadjian. 2014. Hidden layers of toxic phytoplankton: A signal of the changing environment? Deep Sea Research II. Special Issue: Harmful Alglal Blooms in Stratified Systems. Raine R, E Berdalet, MA McManus, H Yamazaki (Eds). 

Benoit-Bird KJ, EL Shroyer, MA McManus. 2013. A critical scale in plankton aggregations across coastal ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters. Vol 40, 1-7, doi:10.1002/grl.50747

Gove JMGJ WilliamsMA McManus, S Heron, S Sandin, O Vetter. 2013. Quantifying climatological ranges and anomaly frequencies for Pacific Island Reef Ecosystems. PlosONE. Vol 8(4): 1-14.

Greer AT, RK Cowen, CM Guigand, MA McManusJC SevadjianAHV Timmerman. 2013. Relationships between phytoplankton thin layers and the fine-scale spatial distributions of two trophic levels of zooplankton Journal of Plankton Research. 35(5): 939-956. 

Janekovic I, B Powell, D Matthews and MA McManus. 2013. Controlling dynamics of the Western Oahu, Hawaii circulation revealed by a data assimilative model. Journal of Geophysical Research. 

Benoit-Bird KJ, MA McManus. 2012. Bottom-up regulation of a pelagic community through aggregations – not biomass. Biology Letters. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2012.0232

MA McManus and CB Woodson. 2012. Review: Plankton distribution and oceanic dispersal. Journal of Experimental Biology Special Issue: Biophysics, Bioenergetics, and the Mechanistic Approach to Ecology. Volume 215(6): 1008-1016.

McManus MAJC Sevadjian, KJ Benoit-Bird, OM CheritonAV Timmerman, CM Waluk. 2012. Observations of thin layers in coastal Hawaiian waters. Estuaries and Coasts. Vol 35(4): 1119-1127.

Sevadjian JSMA McManus, KJ Benoit-Bird, and K Selph. 2012. Shoreward advection of phytoplankton and vertical re-distribution of zooplankton by episodic near-bottom water pulses on an insular shelf: Oahu Hawaii. Continental Shelf Research. Vols 50-51. 1-15.

Woodson CBMA McManus, JA Tyburczy, JA Barth, L Washburn, JE Caselle, MH Carr, DP Malone, PT Raimondi, BA Menge and SR Palumbi. 2012. Coastal fronts set recruitment and connectivity patterns across multiple taxa. Limnol. Oceanogr. 57: 582-596.

Carr MH, CB Woodson, OM Cheriton, D Malone, MA McManus, P. Raimondi. 2011. Review: Knowledge through partnership:  Integrating marine protected area monitoring and ocean observing systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 9(6): 342-350.

Tomlinson MS, EH DeCarlo, MA McManus, G Pawlak, GF Steward, FJ Sansone, OD Nigro, CE Ostrander, RE Timmerman, J Patterson, SJ Uribe. 2011. Characterizing the effects of two storms on the coastal waters of the O'ahu, Hawai'i using data from the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System. Oceanography. Vol 24(2):182-199.

Woodson CB, JA Barth, OM CheritonMA McManus, JP Ryan, L Washburn and the Summer Oceanography Group. 2011. Observations of internal wave packets propagating along-shelf in northern Monterey Bay. Geophysical Research Letters. 38: L01605 doi: 10.1029/2010GL045453.

Cheriton OMMA McManusJV Steinbuck, MT Stacey, JM Sullivan. 2010. Towed vehicle observations of across-shelf thin layer structure and a low-salinity intrusion in northern Monterey Bay, CA. Continental Shelf Research. Special Issue: The Ecology and Oceanography of Thin Plankton Layers. Sullivan JM, MA McManus and PL Donaghay (Eds). Vol 30(1): 39-49.

Galindo HMAS Pfeiffer-HerbertMA McManus, Y Chao, F Chai, SR Palumbi. 2010. Seascape genetics along a steep cline: Using genetic patterns to test predictions of marine larval dispersal. Molecular Ecology. Vol (19), Issue (17) 3489-3835.

Ryan JP, MA McManus, JM Sullivan. 2010. Interacting physical, chemical and biological forcing of phytoplankton thin-layer variability in Monterey Bay, California. Continental Shelf Research. Special Issue: The Ecology and Oceanography of Thin Plankton Layers. Sullivan JM, MA McManus and PL Donaghay (Eds). Vol 30(1): 7-16.

Ryan JP, AM Fischer, RM Kudela, MA McManus, JS Myers, JD Paduan, CM Ruhsam, CB Woodson, Y Zhan. 2010. Recurrent frontal slicks of a coastal ocean upwelling shadow. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans. 115, C12070, doi:10.1029/2010JC006398.

Sevadjian JC, MA McManus, G Pawlak. 2010. Effects of physical structure and processes on thin zooplankton layers in Mamala Bay, Hawaii. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 409:95-106.

Sullivan JM, MA McManusOM Cheriton, KJ Benoit-Bird, L Goodman, Z Wang, JP Ryan, M Stacey, DV Holliday, C Greenlaw, MA Moline, M McFarland. 2010. Layered Organization in the Coastal Ocean: An introduction to thin layers and the LOCO project. Continental Shelf Research. Special Issue: The Ecology and Oceanography of Thin Plankton Layers. Sullivan JM, MA McManus and PL Donaghay (Eds). Vol 30(1): 1-6.

Cheriton OMMA McManus, MT Stacey, JV Steinbuck, JP Ryan. 2009. Physical and biological controls on the maintenance and dissipation of a thin phytoplankton layer. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 378: 55–69.

Steinbuck JV, MT Stacey, MA McManusOM Cheriton, JP Ryan. 2009. Observations of turbulent mixing in a phytoplankton thin layer: Implications for formation, maintenance, and breakdown. Limnology and Oceanography. 54(4): 1353–1368.

Woodson CB, L Washburn, JA Barth, DJ Hoover, AR KirincichMA McManus, JP Ryan, J Tyburczy. 2009. The northern Monterey Bay upwelling shadow front: Observations of a coastally- and surface-trapped buoyant plume. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C12013, doi:10.1029/2009JC005623.

Benoit Bird KJ, MJ ZirbelMA McManus. 2008. Diel variation of zooplankton distribution in Hawaiian waters favors horizontal diel migration by midwater micronekton. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 367:109-123.

McManus MA, KJ Benoit-Bird, CB Woodson. 2008. Behavior exceeds physical forcing in the diel horizontal migration of a midwater sound-scattering layer in Hawaiian waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 365: 91-101.

McManus MA, RM Kudela, MV Silver, GF Steward, JM Sullivan, PL Donaghay. 2008. Cryptic blooms: Are thin layers the missing connection? Estuaries and Coasts. 31: 396-401.

Ostrander CEMA McManus, EH DeCarlo, FT MacKenzie. 2008. Temporal and spatial variability of freshwater plumes in a semi-enclosed estuarine-bay system. Estuaries and Coasts. 31:192-203.

Ryan JP, MA McManus, JD Paduan, FP Chavez. 2008. Phytoplankton thin layers caused by shear in frontal zones of a coastal upwelling system Marine Ecology Progress Series. 354:21-34.

Sansone FJ, G Pawlak, T Stanton, MA McManus, BT Glazer, EH DeCarlo, M BandetJC SevadjianK Stierhoff, C ColgroveAB Hebert, IC Chen. 2008. Kilo Nalu: Physical/biogeochemical dynamics above and within permeable sediments. Oceanography. Special Issue on Coastal Ocean Processes Observing Technologies and Models. Vol 21(4). 173-178.

Barth JA, BA Menge, J Lubchenco, F Chan, JM Bane, AR KirincichMA McManus, KJ Nielson, SD Pierce, L Washburn. 2007. Delayed upwelling alters coastal ocean ecosystems in the northern California current. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104(10) 3719-3724.

Cheriton OMMA McManus, DV Holliday, CF Greenlaw, PL Donaghay, T Cowles. 2007. Effects of mesoscale physical processes on thin zooplankton layers at four sites along the West Coast of the U.S. Estuaries and Coasts. 30(4): 1-16.

Pfeiffer-Herbert ASMA McManus, PT Raimondi, Y Chao, F Chai. 2007. Dispersal of barnacle larvae along the central California coast: A modeling study. Limnology and Oceanography. 52(4)L 1559-1569.

Stacey MT, MA McManus, J Steinbuck. 2007. Convergences and divergences and thin layer formation and maintenance. Limnology and Oceanography. 52(4): 1523-1532.

Woodson CB and MA McManus. 2007. Foraging Behavior can influence dispersal of marine organisms. Limnology and Oceanography. 56(2): 2701-2709.

Woodson CBDI Eerkes-Medrano, A Flores-MoralesM FoleyS HenkelM Hessing-Lewis, D JacintoL NeedlesM Nishizaki, J O’LearyCE OstranderM PespeniK SchwagerJA TyburczyKA WeersingA Kirincich, J Barth, MA McManus, L Washburn. 2007. Diurnal upwelling driven by sea breezes in northern Monterey Bay:  A local mechanism for larval delivery to the intertidal? Continental Shelf Research. 2289-2302.

Storlazzi CDMA McManus, JB Logan, BE McLaughlin. 2006.  Cross-shore velocity shear, eddies and heterogeneity in water column properties over fringing coral reefs: West Maui, Hawaii. Continental Shelf Research. 26(3): 401-421. 

Drake PTMA McManusCD Storlazzi. 2005. Local wind forcing of the Monterey Bay area inner shelf. Continental Shelf Research. 25: 397-417. 

McManus MAOM CheritonPT Drake, DV Holliday, CD Storlazzi, PL Donaghay, CE Greenlaw. 2005. The effects of physical processes on the structure and transport of thin zooplankton layers in the coastal ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 301: 199-215. 

Pfeiffer-Hoyt AS and MA McManus. 2005. Modeling the effects of environmental variability on Balanus glandula larval development. J. Plankton Res. 27(12): 1211-1228. 

Holliday DV, PL Donaghay, CF Greenlaw, DE McGehee, MA McManus, JM Sullivan, JL Miksis. Advances in defining fine- and micro-scale pattern in marine plankton. 2003. Aquatic Living Resources. 16(3): 131-136. 

McManus MA, AL Alldredge, A Barnard, E Boss, J Case, TJ Cowles, PL Donaghay, L Eisner, DJ Gifford, CF Greenlaw, C Herren, DV Holliday, D Johnson, S MacIntyre, D McGehee, TR Osborn, MJ Perry, R Pieper, JEB Rines, DC Smith, JM Sullivan, MK Talbot, MS Twardowski, A Weidemann, JRV Zaneveld. 2003. Changes in characteristics, distribution and persistence of thin layers over a 48-hour period. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 261: 1-19. 

McManus MA, J Largier, E PalominoL Wilkinson, L Washburn, K Stolzenbach, B Sanders, S Morgan, M Stacey, F Wright, JS Scott. 2003. Data management techniques for NEOCO, the Network for Environmental Observations of the Coastal Ocean. Sea Technology 44(8): 54-60. 

Powell EN, JM Klinck, EE Hofmann, MA McManus. 2003. The influence of water allocation and freshwater inflow on oyster production: A hydrodynamic-oyster population model for Galveston Bay, Texas. Environmental Management. 31(1): 100-121.

Storlazzi CMA McManusJ Figurski. 2003. Long-term, high-frequency current and temperature measurements along central California: Insights into upwelling relaxation and internal waves on the inner shelf. Continental Shelf Research. 23: 901-918. 

Alldredge AL, TJ Cowles, S MacIntyre, JEB Rines, PL Donaghay, CF Greenlaw, DV Holliday, MM Dekshenieks*, JM Sullivan, JRV Zaneveld. 2002. Occurrence and mechanism of formation of a dramatic thin layer of marine snow in a shallow Pacific fjord. Mar Ecology Progress Series. 233:1-12. 

Rines JEB, PL Donaghay, MM Dekshenieks, JM Sullivan, MS Twardowski. 2002. Thin layers and camouflage: Hidden Pseudo-nitzschia populations in a fjord in the San Juan Islands, Washington, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 225: 123-137. 

Klinck JM, EE Hofmann, EN Powell, MM Dekshenieks. 2002. Impact of channelization on oyster production: a hydrodynamic model for Galveston Bay, Texas. Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 7: 273-289. 

Dekshenieks MM, PL Donaghay, JM Sullivan, JEB Rines, TR Osborn, MS Twardowski. 2001. Temporal and spatial occurrence of thin phytoplankton layers in relation to physical processes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 223: 61-71. 

Paffenhofer GA, U Bathmann, M Bundy, ME Clarke, TJ Cowles, K Daly, H Dam, MM Dekshenieks, PL Donaghay, D Gibson, DJ Gifford, B Hansen, D Hartline, EJH Head, EE Hofmann, R Hopcroft, R Jahnke, SH Jonasdottir, T Kiorboe, G Kleppel, JM Klinck, P Kremer, M Landry, RF Lee, PH Lenz, LP Madin, DT Manahan, MG Mazzocchi, D McGillicuddy, C Miller, JR Nelson, TR Osborn, RE Pieper, I Prusova, MR Roman, S Schiel, HE Seim, S Smith, JJ Torres, PG Verity, SG Wakeham, K Wishner. 2001. The future of marine zooplankton research: A perspective. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 222: 297-308. 

Dekshenieks MM, EE Hofmann, JM Klinck, EN Powell. 2000. Quantifying the effects of environmental variability on an oyster population using a coupled oyster-circulation model. Estuaries. 23(5): 593-610. 

Dekshenieks MM, EE Hofmann, JM Klinck, EN Powell. 1997. A modeling study of the effects of size- and depth-dependent predation on larval survival. Journal of Plankton Research. 19(11): 1583-1596.

Dekshenieks MM, EE Hofmann, JM Klinck, EN Powell. 1996. Modeling the vertical distribution of oyster larvae in response to environmental conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 136: 97-110.

Dekshenieks MM, EE Hofmann, EN Powell. 1993. Environmental effects on the growth and development of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) larvae: A modeling study. Journal of Shellfish Research. 12(2): 241-245. 

*McManus previously published under the name Dekshenieks